The event “Body and Soul Purification” took place on Thursday, December 27, 2012 in Cãlugãreni – Padeş locality. As it was the first event of this type organized in the community, the event played a key role in convincing the women in this area to participate in the national screening program of cervix cancer, respectively to take the Babes-Papanicolau test.
Carried out as a workshop, the event arouse the interest of the locals who had the occasion to find more information related to cervix cancer, means of prevention and early detection, the risk factors as well as the importance of seeing a physician on time. During the event, presentations were given by Ana Argint – social worker, dr. Ioana Rãuţi-Bratiloveanu – family physician, priests Dumitru Florin and Motea Viorel Daniel and by the representatives of the Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” Bogdana Costoiu and Daniela Mircea, with the support of the Gorj County Prefecture.
The women that took part in the workshop asked many questions and showed interest in the contents of the fliers. The highest point of interest was the appearance of a woman from Cãlugãreni, who is suffering from cervix cancer, who had the courage to speak to her peers about the drama that she is living, but also about the importance to see the physician right from the first symptoms.
The event “Body and Soul Purification” was initiated and coordinated by the social worker Ana Argint, supported by the members of the family acting as volunteers. Ana Argint is a graduate of the Faculty of Social Work but also of the Post High School Classes for medical social work and pedagogy. Her involvement in the life of the community from Cãlugãreni is constant, she does her duty with a total commitment, the passion for this profession having developed during the faculty years: “During the university classes I had the chance to participate in such events under the coordination of the professor Felicia Andrioni. I then felt that I had to do this and help the people from the community I live in. I hope I shall have the chance to organize from now on such events that support my peers”.
The event organized on Thursday, December 27, 2012, in Cãlugãreni-Padeş is an example for the responsible players in the rural areas, the impact of such workshops being essential in terms of raising public awareness on the importance of prevention and early detection of cancer.