On Saturday, March 31, 2012, surgeons from the Oncologic Institute “Alexandru Trestioreanu”, Bucharest, performed a series of free of charge examinations of the oncologic patients in Gorj county. They are volunteer physicians who come periodically to Tg-Jiu to help the patients who cannot be transported in the centers provided with oncologic surgery because of their condition, and also those who cannot afford the transportation because of financial problems. The examinations took place in the practice of doctor Aurora Şandru – founding member of the Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana”, an organization that makes possible for the respective examinations to be performed.
The team arrived from Bucharest was made up of: surgeon Vlad Rotaru, specialized in oncologic surgery, hepatic surgery and hepatic transplant (Surgery Clinic I), urologist Ioan Burlãnescu (Surgery III) and surgeon Elena Chiţoran. Some of the patients consulted should have benefited of such a specialized examination a long time before, but because of the lack of money they gave up, being close to abandoning the fight with cancer. Following the examination, the volunteer physicians showed the patients the steps that need to be taken, what are the emergency investigations that are required and how they can be helped by the Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” as much as possible.
The physicians from the renowned institute in Bucharest pointed out the fact that the number of cancer patients is continually increasing, the corridors of hospitals being assaulted each day by more and more patients that need to be diagnosed, submitted to surgical interventions, treated. The physicians assured that they will do their best so that every few months to come to Gorj county to help the people in suffering.
Physician Vlad Rotaru – a founding member of the Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana”, said that he considers his involvement as a duty of honor towards his peers that he wishes to help as long as he is still capable of doing it.
Dr. Rotaru underlined the importance of prevention, of adopting a healthy lifestyle that involves the consumption of fruits and vegetables, taking up a sport but also the necessity to see a doctor for regular examinations, but also when symptoms appear, taking into account that early detection of cancer increases significantly the life expectancy of the patients.
The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” wishes to thank all the physicians for their involvement, the journalists, the Gorj County Council, the Town Hall of Tg-Jiu Municipality, and also to those who make these events happen: The Europeca Hotel, the Arkitec Style Company, the management of SC Exponential, the restaurant Casa Vera.