The press

Radio Omega/ October 1, 2013 The World Day of Fight against Breast Cancer on October 1

Gazeta de Sud/ June 27, 2013 A man suffering from cancer desperately needs the help of his peers.

Gorj Domino/ June 27, 2013 A man suffering from cancer desperately needs help

Gorjeanul/ June 27, 2013 A man seriously ill from Tg-Jiu is in a desperate need of blood.

Gorj TV/ June 24, 2013 The Local Agenda with Daniela GAPSEA

Gorjeanul/ June 21, 2013 An activity for the prevention of cancer at the Technical College from Motru.

TV Sud/ June 6, 2013 The pupils of the National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” help the ASSOCIATION “SFÂNTA ANA”

Gorj Exclusiv/ June 3, 2013 The pupils LPS Târgu-Jiu, good at sanitary education

Gorjeanul/ June 3, 2013 The team of the Sports High School in Tg-Jiu, the 1st place in the contest on oncologic topics.

Gorj Domino/ June 3, 2013 Thousands of students in Tg-Jiu participated in a contest of the Oncologic Association “Sfânta Ana” May 30, 2013 Contest on sanitary education topics.

Gorj Exclusiv/ May 30, 2013 Cancer prevention campaign in schools

TV Sud/ May 30, 2013 Contest on sanitary topics

Impact in Gorj/ May 30, 2013 Students informed on cancer

Pandurul/ May 30, 2013 Contest on sanitary education topics

Gorj Domino/ March 15, 2013 The Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” always assisting patients.

Impact in Gorj/ March 15, 2013 Hundreds of Hours of Work for a Smile

Gorj Exclusiv/ March 15, 2013 The Association “Sfânta Ana” assisted hundreds of
people in Gorj county

Gorj TV/ March 14, 2013 Once again, the month of March is dedicated to the fight against cancer of large intestine

Gorj Domino, March 8, 2013 A person doesn’t have the necessary amount of money for a liver transplant and can die any second

Pandurul/ February 14, 2013 The teenagers of Tg-Jiu will participate in a contest on anticancer topics.

Gorjeanul/ February 5, 2013 The World Day of Fight against Cancer marked by the High Schools from Tg-Jiu

Gorj Exclusiv/ February 5, 2013 Cancer Prevention Campaign in High Schools

Impact in Gorj/ February 5, 2013 The stories behind cancer

TV Sud/ January 29, 2013 The questions of the day January 29, 2013 – She fights to defeat death

Adevarul/ December 28, 2012 The villagers of Pades advised how to beware of cervix cancer

TV Sud/ December 28, 2012 Cancer Prevention Event

Vertical, December 19, 2012 Conference on medical topics

TV Tele3/ December 18, 2012 The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” together with the College of physicians organized the first edition of the conference on the prevention of this type of cancer.

Gorjeanul/ December 17, 2012 Conference on oncology in Tg-Jiu

Gorj Domino/ December 17, 2012 The physicians from Bucharest assist the people suffering from cancer at Tg-Jiu

Impact in Gorj/ December 17, 2012 Initial Performance in Tg-Jiu

Radio Tg-Jiu/ December 15, 2012 Stop Cervix Cancer

Gazeta de Sud/ December 15, 2012 Medical conference at Tg-Jiu

Radio Omega/ December 14, 2012 Conference on the prevention and detection of the cervix cancer

Radio Accent/ December 14, 2012 Conference on oncology in Tg-Jiu.

Gorjeanul/ December 10, 2012 “The Winner’s Day” dedicated to the persons who won the fight with cancer

TV Tele 3/December 7, 2012 The Winner’s Day

Gorjeanul/ December 7, 2012 Journalist Corina Dragotescu at the “Winner’s Day” in Tg-Jiu

Gorj Domino/ December 7, 2012 The stories of those who defeated cancer told at ”Winner’s Day”

Gorjeanul/ November 21, 2012 The Senator Grebla involves again in humanitarian acts

Radio Romania Antena Satelor/ November 16, 2012 The pupils of the National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” donated fruits and vegetables

Adevarul/ November 16, 2012 The campaign “The week of donated vegetables and fruits” was carried out during the period November 12-16 at the National College “Tudor Vladimirescu” from Tg-Jiu.

Radio Accent/November 16, 2012 Report on the campaign “The week of donated vegetables and fruits”

Gorjeanul/ November 15, 2012 “Stop smoking addiction” marked in Tg-Jiu

Impact in Gorj/ November 15, 2012 No Smoking in Tg-Jiu

Gorj Domino/November 15, 2012 The National Day without Smoking celebrated in Tg-Jiu

Gorj Domino/ November 14, 2012 Free of charge glycemic index tests for the people from Tg-Jiu

Gorj Exclusiv/ November 14, 2012 Diabetics can test their glycemic index free of charge

TV Sud/ November 14, 2012 Free of charge glycemic index tests

Gazeta de Sud/ November 14, 2012 The people from Tg-Jiu tested their glycemic index for free

Opinia ta in Tg-Jiu/ November 13, 2012 Free of charge glycemic index testing on the World Day of Diabetes

Gorjeanul/ November 14, 2012 Free of charge glycemic index testing on the World Day of Diabetes

Impact in Gorj/ November 14, 2012 The people from Gorj county can test their glycemic index free of charge

Adevarul/ November 6, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer in Gorj county

Gazeta de Sud/ November 6, 2012 A chance for the people suffering from cancer

Impact in Gorj/ November 6, 2012 The oncologic patients consulted for free by the specialists from Bucharest

Gorj Exclusiv/November 6, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer

Gorjeanul/November 6, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer in Gorj

Radio Tg-Jiu/ November 5, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer in Gorj

TV Sud/ October 8, 2012 The questions of the day: October 8, 2012 The people suffering from cancer in the hands of destiny

Vertical/ October 3, 2012 The fight against the breast cancer

Curierul de Ramnic/October 2, 2012 Press release

Gorj Exclusiv/ October 2, 2012 The people suffering from cancer set out on a pilgrimage to the Prislop Monastery

Gorj Domino/October 2, 2012 Scores of people suffering from cancer set out on a pilgrimage to the Prislop Monastery

Impact in Gorj/ October 1, 2012 The World Day of Fight against Breast Cancer

Gold FM Romania/ October 1, 2012 The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” distributes starting from today thousands of informative fliers in Gorj and Valcea counties providing information about the early detection of cancer.

Radio Omega/ October 1, 2012 Information Campaign Owing to the World Day of Fight Against Breast Cancer

Radio Tg-Jiu/October 1, 2012 The World Day of Fight Against Breast Cancer marked in Gorj county

ACCES TV/October 1, 2012 Protect your health

Gorjeanul/October 1, 2012 The World Day of Fight against Breast Cancer marked in Gorj

Oglinda Gorjului/ June 1, 2012 “Say Stop Smoking. Cancer kills irrespective of age!”

Gorjeanul/ May 31, 2012 Anti-smoking campaign at the Commercial College “Virgil Madgearu”

Gorj Exclusiv/May 29, 2012 Anti-smoking seminar at the Economic High School

Radio Accent/ May 28, 2012 The Romanian Association of Oncology “Sfânta Ana” and the Gorj County Council started the campaign “SAY STOP SMOKING! CANCER KILLS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE”

Gorj Domino/ May 28, 2012 The pupils start smoking right from the gymnasium


Oglinda Gorjului/ April 5, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the oncologic patients in Gorj

Opinia ta/April 5, 2012 Free of charge examinations in Tg-Jiu carried out by renowned physicians from Bucharest

Impact in Gorj/ April 3, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer

Gorj Domino/April 3, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer

Pandurul/ April 3, 2012 The people suffering from cancer in Gorj county consulted by physicians from Bucharest

Radio Omega/ April 2, 2012 Free of charge examinations for the people suffering from cancer provided by the physicians from the Oncologic Institute in Bucharest

Adevarul/ April 2, 2012 Free of charge examinations performed by the physicians from the hospitals in Bucharest

Ziarul Universul/ February 10, 2012 A symposium organized by the University “Constantin Brancusi” in Tg-Jiu on the occasion of the “World Day of the Fight Against Cancer”

Ziarul Universul/ February 10, 2012 Press release of the ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION OF ONCOLOGY “SFÂNTA ANA”

Vertical/ February 8, 2012 The World Day of Fight Against Cancer

Gorj Domino/ February 6, 2012 80 billion lei for the treatment of the people suffering from cancer

Gorj Exclusiv/ February 6, 2012 Symposium organized for the prevention and fight against cancer at the University “Constantin Brancusi”

Adevarul/ February 3, 2012 Symposium organized for the prevention and fight against cancer assisted by specialists from Bucharest


Click! Sanatate/ February 3, 2012 Treated in time, cancer can heal!

Pandurul/ February 3, 2012 The World Day of Fight against Cancer

Adevarul/ January 2, 2012 Free of charge examinations performed by an association in Tg-Jiu

ACCES TV “Offer for Christmas” – Help for Andrei

Gazeta de Sud/ December 19, 2011 A child suffering from cancer wants to smile for Christmas

Gorj Domino/ October 3, 2011 The World Day of Fight against Breast Cancer marked in Targu-Jiu

Gorj Exclusiv/ June 2, 2011 An association from Targu-Jiu supports the people suffering from cancer

Gorjeanul/ May 30, 2011 Free of charge space provided for the Association “Sfânta Ana”

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